Secured gateway for protecting sensitive data
What is SecWay?
SecWay is a data gateway secured by design which guarantees the privacy and integrity of data exchanged between unsecured connected objects and distant servers (Cloud). Secured "by design", SecWay integrates technological bricks that provide security to complex system. Its security features are based on secured hardware components (TPM, TrustZone) and and software to ensure end-to-end security.
What's new?
SecWay provides secure architecture by design and an embedded root of trust, including monitoring activities and a Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). Compatible with development on rich Linux-type operating systems and with the implementation of embedded AI, SecWay offers the following benefits: - Secured software updates
- Key and certificate management
- Integrates a certified secure element (ARM TrustZone)
- Wired and wireless communication interface (BLE, Wi-Fi)
What's next?
SecWay will be deployed as part of the European projects GateKeeper and DigiFed. The demonstration is available within CEA and STMicroelectronics’ showrooms. CEA-Leti will be improving SecWay throughout 2022, integrating the following functions: - Implementation of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms
- Dynamic detection of attacks and intrusions
- Automatic recovery when attacks are detected
