Automated feedback from ultra-thin piezoelectric actuators
A haptic interface is a new type of man-machine interface, which allows the user to interact with the environment using his/her sense of touch. Integrated piezoelectric actuators make the demonstrator screen vibrate imperceptibly based on a vibration mode of several tens of kHz. The vibration allows the user to feel complex haptic effects such as texturing or relief. An innovative “piezo-in-flex” technology enables the collective integration of commercial piezo ceramics, for flexible, conformable haptic interfaces.
What makes it unique
Most haptic demonstrators use piezoelectric ceramics, which need to be glued individually and manually to the interface. CEA-Leti is leveraging its 200 mm technology platform to integrate piezoelectric actuators collectively and cost-effectively on a polymer using an innovative “piezo-in-flex” technology. This process enables flexible and conformable piezoelectric patches that can be used to functionalize any surface and to obtain flexible haptic interfaces.
What’s next CEA-Leti is working to improve the flexible haptic demonstrator to enable a new application for the visually impaired. In parallel, the institute is also working on the development of a technology to make piezoelectric actuators completely transparent.

What’s next?
- CEA-Leti is developing other actuator integration strategies, in particular CHIP-IN-FLEX, a technology allowing integration of piezoelectric actuators into a flexible substrate. CHIP-IN-FLEX will enable the haptic effect to be applied to curved and conformable surfaces by increasing actuating performance.
- The Institute is concurrently working on development of technology that is capable of making piezoelectric actuators completely transparent.