CEA Tech organise un European Innovation Hub Day (EIH-Day), journée consacrée aux EIHs et aux programmes européens de recherche et innovation qui y sont associés.
Cet événement va rassembler des acteurs clés du domaine que sont la Commission Européenne, les Régions, les Pôles de Compétitivité, les Organisations de recherche technologique (RTOs) et les PME, pour échanger sur ces écosystèmes d'innovation présents et futurs.
Au cours de la journée les sujets suivants seront abordés :
Un aperçu des initiatives EIH existantes et leurs perspectives.
Le rôle des Régions, des Pôles de compétitivité et des Financeurs privés.
Le rôle des Organisations de recherche technologique via la mise à disposition d'infrastructures, de services et de savoirs.
La construction d'EIH en faveur des liens entre les Régions européennes.
AGENDA (en anglais) :
8:15 - 9:00
Registration and welcome coffee |
9:00 - 9:30
| Introduction by Stéphane Siebert, CEO - CEA Tech, Yannick Neuder - Vice-President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, in charge of Higher education, Research, Innovation and European funds
9:30 - 11:00
Session 1:
European Innovation Hubs : views of different European Commission Directorates-General initiatives and perspectives Session Chair: Muriel Attané, Secretary General - EARTO
Keynote speakers: - Max Lemke, Head of Unit, Technologies and Systems for Digitising Industry, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Gabriel Rissola, Senior Scientist, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- Katja Reppel, Deputy Head of Unit, Smart and Sustainable Growth, DG REGIO, European Commission
- Hélène-Diane Dage, Deputy Head of Unit, Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship, DG GROW, European Commission
- Soren Bowadt, Deputy Head of Unit, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies, DG RTD, European Commission
11:00 - 11:30 |
Break - networking |
11:30 - 13:00 |
Session 2: Regional ecosystem of EIHs : the role of Regions and Regional Clusters Session Chair: Isabelle Guillaume, CEO – Minalogic Panel session: - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: Isabelle Guillaume, CEO Minalogic and Hortense Lutz, Delegate of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in Brussels
- Piedmont: Alfredo Tafuri, MESAP Cluster Coordinator and Vincenzo Zezza, Innovation and Regional Competitiveness Director, Regione Piemonte
- Basque Country: Cristina Murillo Gómez, GAIA cluster, Service Department and Susana Larrea Cano, Strategic Initiatives Department of SPRI
- Saxony: Christoph Kögler, Head of Innovation, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions
13:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30
Session 3: Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) at the core of EIH projects, offering SMEs access to technological infrastructures of research and innovation, knowledge and services. Session Chair: Rainer Günzler, Head Business Development - Hahn-Schickard Panel session: - EuroCPS/FED4SAE: Pierre-Damien Berger, Project Coordinator, CEA Tech, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, VP Engineering, Spark Works, Hegedüs János, Expert, BME&Hungarolux and Quentin Mourcou, CTO, WeGoTo
- GateOne: Régis Hamelin, CTO BluMorpho and Matthieu Le Prado, CEO Physiomag
- SmartEEs : Jérôme Gavillet, Project Coordinator, CEA Tech and Jurryt Vellinga, CEO ItoM Medical
- ECHORD++: Christophe Leroux, Manager European Affairs in Robotics, CEA Tech and Yvan Méasson, CEO, ISYBOT
- I4MS: Maurits Butter, Senior scientist, TNO
15:30 - 16:00 |
Break - networking |
16:00 - 17:20 |
Session 4: Constructing EIHs and building bridges between European regions Session Chair: Karen Amram, Director for Europe, CEA Tech Panel session: - DIH MINASMART: Laurent Hérault, VP Europe LETI, CEA Tech
- DIH Robotics in Healthcare: Iddo Bante, Business director, University of Twente
- BIORUUKKI pilot centre: Lula Rosso, EU Affairs Manager, VTT
- DIGIHALL: Gregorio Ameyugo, VP Europe LIST, CEA Tech
- EIH IMEC - Romano Hoofman, Strategic Development Director, IMEC
17:20 - 17:30 |
Closing |
Social event |
Téléchargez la présentation des intervenants : 
PLUS D' INFORMATION concernant l'eih day:
Les plates-formes technologiques CEA Tech
| L'institut Leti dans les domaines de recherche Européens
| FED4SAE : L'accélérateur Européen des solutions CPS

CEA Tech et les start-ups
| Les Leti Innovation Stories
| |
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